Calcium Chloride Product Enquiry

This compound belongs to the alkaline earth metal chlorides. These are inorganic compounds in which the largest halogen atom is Chlorine, and the heaviest metal atom is a lanthanide.

Chemical Name:

Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride
PELADOW(R) SNOW AND ICE MELT;Anhydrous calcium chloride;anhydrouscalciumchloride;CaCl2;Calcium chloride (CaCl2);Calcium chloride pellets;calciumchloraide;calciumchloride(anhydrous)
For the treatment of hypocalcemia in those conditions requiring a prompt increase in blood plasma calcium levels, for the treatment of magnesium intoxication due to overdosage of magnesium sulfate, and used to combat the deleterious effects of hyperkalemia as measured by electrocardiographic (ECG), pending correction of the increased potassium level in the extracellular fluid.
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